Social media campaigns

Social media can be used to organize campaigns that aim to reach different audiences and can help to involve others in your activities while also documenting them in the style of twitter conferences. By eCHOIng cc.
“A key to getting value from social media, is getting the “social” part right. For this, it is important to participate. This would mean interacting with your followers, commenting / contributing. All social networks are different and a bit of trial and error is required to understand your community on a particular social network. The golden rule that remains for any platform, is building value for your community”.
Source: The social media handbook
Title: Black Country Living Museum: West Midlands, UK
Type: Social media campaign
Institution: Black Country Living Museum: West Midlands, UK
Year: Ongoing
Result: Since August 2020, the popular account has amassed almost 600,000 followers.
Description: When one of the newest and most popular social media platforms, TikTok, saw a surge of users in 2020, the Black Country Living Museum recognised the opportunity to create fun and engaging content. While the open-air museum of rebuilt historic buildings is located in the West Midlands, it found its snappy videos reaching an international audience. Since August 2020, the popular account has amassed almost 600,000 followers.
To what does it owe that success? By using actors in historic dress, the museum produces short clips that entertain and educate at the same time. Its videos are a great example of powerful social media marketing for museums because they effectively translate an immersive in-person experience to the digital world, telling the story of one of the very first industrialised landscapes in Britain. And with 41% of TikTok users falling between the ages of 16 and 24, the museum has been able to tap into a demographic it may not have been able to reach via traditional marketing methods..
Type: Social media campaign
Institution: Black Country Living Museum: West Midlands, UK
Year: Ongoing
Result: Since August 2020, the popular account has amassed almost 600,000 followers.
Description: When one of the newest and most popular social media platforms, TikTok, saw a surge of users in 2020, the Black Country Living Museum recognised the opportunity to create fun and engaging content. While the open-air museum of rebuilt historic buildings is located in the West Midlands, it found its snappy videos reaching an international audience. Since August 2020, the popular account has amassed almost 600,000 followers.
To what does it owe that success? By using actors in historic dress, the museum produces short clips that entertain and educate at the same time. Its videos are a great example of powerful social media marketing for museums because they effectively translate an immersive in-person experience to the digital world, telling the story of one of the very first industrialised landscapes in Britain. And with 41% of TikTok users falling between the ages of 16 and 24, the museum has been able to tap into a demographic it may not have been able to reach via traditional marketing methods..