Project Activities

Output Activity Duration Deadline Title of the activity
PR1 A1 M1-M2 M3 Desktop research: Collection of 30 European practices of HE engagement in cultural heritage reviva
PR1 A2 M2 M3 Survey on HE readiness to reach out to CHOs and benefit from OI
PR1 A3 M3-M4 M4 Data analysis (desktop research and survey) election of 10 outstanding practices & further analysis.
PR1 A4 M5 M5 Internal and External review of the report
PR1 A5 M5 M5 Publication of the report in an open access format (CC BY)
PR1 A6 M5 M5 4 Infographics on HE sector for the revival of small CHOs
PR1 A7 M6 M6 Translation of Synthesis of the publication in partner languages (5)
PR2 A1 M8 M8 Course design framework (design principles, quality assurance, content creation guidelines)
PR2 A2 M9 M9 Collection of relevant resources
PR2 A3 M10 M10 Internal & External Review
PR2 A4 M11 M11 Piloting of modules (by HEI staff, students, CHOs and business partner)
PR2 A5 M12 M13 Delivery of 6 Modules of 15h each as Open Educational Resources (OER) and integration in mainstream HE partners curricula
PR2 A6.1 M14 M14 Course Attendance and completion by HE students and CHO representatives
PR2 A6.2 M15 M15 Delivery of certificates of attendance
PR2 A7 M16 M16 OIP project proposals submission with domain of interest (crafts; music) /theme of their future OIP
PR2 A8 M17 M17 Validation of OIP projects by HE mentors
PR3 A1 M18 M18 Draft Methodology (guidelines on the organization of OI projects: roles of organisers, quality assessment framework and tools, quality control, practicalities, etc.)
PR3 A2 M19 M19 Piloting Methodology by CHOs
PR3 A3 M20 M20 Creation of template with criteria of CHOs and presentation of CHOs on work modalities
PR3 A4 M21 M21 Expression of interest, create presentations and delivery of Action Plans by CHOs
PR3 A5 M22 M29 Final version of the Methodology (refined after the implementation of PR4 activities)
PR3 A6 M23 M23 Translation of the Methodology to partner languages (BG, EE, EL, IT NO and EN)
PR4 A1 M24 M24 Cooperation Framework for the implementation of OIPs
PR4 A2 M25 M25 Signed cooperation agreements (Arrangements between HEIs and CHOs as sending and host organizations respectively)
PR4 A3 M26 M26 Implementation of 24 OIPs by HEIs and CHOs
PR4 A4 M27 M27 Supervision HEIs through monitoring tools (incl. template creation for activity reports)
PR4 A5 M28 M28 24 Activity Reports (draft mode)
PR4 A6 M29 M29 24 Activity reports reviewed & finalized
PR4 A7 M30 M30 Surveys with 3 participating target groups
PR4 A8 M31 M31 Conduct SWOT analysis of implemented OIPs and sustainability perspectives & Methodology fine tuning
PR4 A9 M32 M32 Publication “Lessons learned: HE-driven open innovation to sustain CHOs in Europe”
PR4 A10 M33 M33 Synthesis of the publication translated in partner languages (BG, EE, EL, IT NO and EN)
PR4 A11 M34 M34 Policy brief for HEIs “Actions for the Revival of CHOs through civic engagement and open innovation”
PR4 A12 M35 M35 Policy Brief translated in partner languages (BG, EE, EL, IT NO and EN)
PR4 A13 M36 M36 Series of 10 videos “Be an agent of change for European cultural heritage”
PR5 A1 M37 M37 Framework of analysis. 3 variables: governance, financing and social engagement to assess the project impact
PR5 A2 M38 M38 3 surveys (before participation, upon completion and 3M after) (200 participants (HEIs and CHOs)
PR5 A3 M39 M39 Data analysis by target group
PR5 A4 M40 M40 Draft version of Impact report
PR5 A5 M41 M41 Final version of Impact Report
PR5 A6 M42 M42 Publication “HE change with regard to academic curricula and teaching practices in light of open innovation for the benefit of cultural organizations”
PR5 A7 M43 M43 Synthesis of PR5A6 translated in partner languages (BG, EE, EL, IT NO and EN)