About echoadmin

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So far echoadmin has created 4 blog entries.

Webinar: Craft for open innovation and community

Invitation to a webinar on the 7th of March 2023 on zoom "The eCHOing project aims to create collaborative opportunities between universities and Cultural Organizations through Open Innovation." Date: 07/03/2023 Time: 14h CET Venue: Online, Registration Page: https://ntnu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gtMXQZs6RseZgfCMaIuQXA The eCHOing consortium cordially invites you to their second open webinar delivered on line. We are pleased to present our free online modules on open innovation produced by the eCHOing consortium and partners from Estonia to present their own Open Innovation Initiatives connected with crafts. Programme (Hours in CET) 14.00-14.05: Welcome by host organization, Ave Matsin, University of Tartu (Estonia) 14.05-14.10: [...]


eCHOing project second newsletter

WEBINAR Our first webinar event took place on the 7th of September 2022, with 89 participants from our partner countries. Those include: Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Italy, and Norway. With a wide range of educators and culture-enthusiasts with different cultural backgrounds that shared their knowledge and experience, we managed to achieve our webinar’s goal: to connect members of European Universities and smaller Cultural Heritage Organisations (CHOs), inspire each other, and present them with a tool  through/with which they can better their relationship - Open Innovation. The webinar also invited  DH scholars to present their case studies of [...]


Invitation to a Webinar 7th of September on Zoom

“Revival of European cultural organization through Higher-education-driven open innovation” 1st eCHOing project webinar PROGRAMME--Hybrid Event Date: 07/09/2022 Venue: Online, Registration Page: https://ntnu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcldOiqrTgtG9QatLRQIQsfJb-OXT6cgclW “An online webinar on synergies between universities and cultural heritage organisations with open innovation as means of convergence” About the workshop Coronavirus has given a great chance to reanimate the connection between Higher Education (HE) and society and enable them to assume even more energetically their role and responsibilities towards European citizens. The Erasmus+ eCHOING project presents an open access publication showcasing practices in the revival of European cultural organization. In general, eCHOIng addresses HE staff and [...]


eCHOing project First newsletter

We are excited to share the first newsletter from the eCHOing project.

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